Ephrin-B1 forward and reverse signaling are required during mouse development


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press


Eph receptors and ephrin ligands are key players in many developmental processes including embryo patterning, angiogenesis, and axon guidance. Eph/ephrin interactions lead to the generation of a bidirectional signal, in which both the Eph receptors and the ephrins activate downstream signaling cascades simultaneously. To understand the role of ephrin-B1 and the importance of ephrin-B1-induced reverse signaling during embryonic development, we have generated mouse lines carrying mutations in the efnb1 gene. Complete ablation of ephrin-B1 resulted in perinatal lethality associated with a range of phenotypes, including defects in neural crest cell (NCC)-derived tissues, incomplete body wall closure, and abnormal skeletal patterning. Conditional deletion of ephrin-B1 demonstrated that ephrin-B1 acts autonomously in NCCs, and controls their migration. Last, a mutation in the PDZ binding domain indicated that ephrin-B1-induced reverse signaling is required in NCCs. Our results demonstrate that ephrin-B1 acts both as a ligand and as a receptor in a tissue-specific manner during embryogenesis.

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