Epilepsia e comportamento suicida : um estudo na comunidade / Epilepsy and suicidal behavior : a community-based study




Objective: to estimate the frequencies of suicidal behavior in people with epilepsy in a community sample. To determine: which characteristics are related to suicidal behavior in people with epilepsy when compared with controls living in the same neighborhood matched by sex and age; which are the risk factors related to suicidal thoughts in epilepsy; which characteristics are associated with depression and anxiety in people with epilepsy. Method: Three analyses were made; the first one was a case-control study comparing people who have been diagnosed with epilepsy by neurologists in a previous community-based survey, with people without epilepsy living in the same region. The second compared epilepsy subjects with suicidal thoughts with those without. The third analysis made with people with epilepsy and anxiety and depression (determined by HADS) compared them to people without depression and/or anxiety. A structured interview, using psychometric scales, and questions about mental health, socio-economic status and characteristics of epilepsy were made. Results: From 171 subjects with epilepsy, 153 were interviewed and compared with 154 controls; those have had more frequently anxiety (39.4% versus 23.8%, OR 2.1 [95% CI 1.2 - 3.5]; p=0.006) and depression (24.4% versus 14.7%, OR 1.9 [95% CI 1.01 - 3.5]; p=0.04). They also reported more suicidal thoughts (36.7% versus 23.8%, OR 1.8 [95% CI 1.1 - 3.1]; p=0.02), plans (18.2% versus 3.3%, OR 2.0 [95% CI 1.0 - 4.0]; p=0.04) and attempts (12.1% versus 5.3%, OR 2.4 [95% CI 1.1 - 3.2], p=0.04) during life than controls. Factors associated with suicidal thoughts were: anxiety (OR 3.3 [95% CI 1.4-7.5]; p=0.001), depression (OR 4.8 [95%CI 1.9-12.5]; p=0.001) and 2 or more psychiatric disorder (OR 21.6 [95%CI 4.4-105.9]; p<0.0001). The characteristics related to depression and anxiety, respectively, were: few years of study (OR 3.8 [95% CI 1.6-9.0]; p=0.002 and OR 2.8 [95% CI 1.2 to 6.5]; p=0.02), suicidal thoughts (OR 4.4 [95%CI 1.9- 10.3]; p<0.0001 and OR 3.6, [95%CI 1.7-7.7]; p=0.001) and suicide attempt (OR 9.3 [95%CI 2.6-32.8]; p<0.0001 and OR 6.9 [95%CI 1.8-26.4]; p=0.001). Conclusion: the findings call attention for psychiatric comorbidity and suicidal behavior in epilepsy, reinforcing the importance of recognition and treatment of mental disorders in clinical practice, especially for suicide prevention


epilepsia suicidio tentativa de suicidio ansiedade depressão saúde mental população epilepsy suicide suicide attempted anxiety depression

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