Equitação e volteio com crianças carentes : uma proposta educacional




This work aims to elaborate, implement, develop and evaluate a program of riding and vaulting for deprived seven to twelve year old children. These children were submitted to the program above which offers an environment with adequate conditions for child development, mainly based on the resources that a horse offers to stimulate the child youth dvelopment. This work also makes a contribution to the sport area, regarding the organization of a vaulting program with educational purpose. The bibliographic review provided a better understanding of the socio-cultural singularity of the children of this study, child development and the bio-psychosocial contribution of riding and vaulting programs. The methods used in this study were research-action and the ethnographical proceedings. The program was constantly evaluated through the records of the child manifestations during class. The evaluation of the program was done through the followingmeasurements: the physical and motor development through anthropometry and motor tests; the diagnostic of the personality using the drawing test (Campos, 1993); the Child Cognitive Development through the Human Figure Drawing (Manual for Brazilian Children, Wechsler, 1996); self-concept in different environments; records of the meanings attributed to the vaulting itself from different subjects related to the program, and; the meaning that the children gave to vaulting. The activity program developed withinthe scope of this research was described through the followingitems :The tecnical elements, the basic steps of a vaulting class, some principies of the human relationship, and four phases of the program which qualifythe evolution of the children within it." Many observations were made from this research: Very soon the children became familiar with the activity program; An increase of the relationship qualitywas noticed, marked by a decrease of aggression; There was an increase of self-control and the respect from the children to the horse in different dimensions; The children had a better self-perception in the vaulting class compared to other microsystems such as school


psicologia educacional educação equitação crianças pobres pobreza escolas - brasil

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