Escherichia coli K Bacteriophages I. Isolation and Introductory Characterization of Five Escherichia coli K Bacteriophages


A set of five Escherichia coli K phages has been isolated. These phages are adsorbed to and lyse the capsular forms of the host bacteria, whereas their spontaneous, acapsular mutants are not affected. All host strains are heavily encapsulated test strains for E. coli K antigens of the thermostable A type and they readily segregate acapsular mutants. In four of the phage-host systems, all secondary growth obtained was found to be acapsular. When tested for host-range mutants on 38 strains of E. coli and Klebsiella, less than one mutant per 105 plaque-forming units was found. No cross-reacting neutralizing antibodies were obtained when rabbits were immunized with the K phages. The latent periods (between 16 and 30 min) and average burst sizes (between 145 and 580) were determined by one-step growth experiments.

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