Escola Pública Integrada: as impressões dos professores e especialistas das escolas de Blumenau SC




This text discusses the results of a research carried out in five Public Schools of the State of Santa Catarina, located in Blumenau and which adopted the Integrated Public School project.(Escola Pública Integrada, EPI). The project is in its initial phase and is supported by Santa Catarinas Education, Science and Technology Department. This research aimed at verifying if some teachers and specialists believe that EPI, and its extended school hours, improves the quality of students education in the early years of Elementary School. A case study was conducted and the opinions of sixteen education professionals who work in these schools were analyzed. Among these professionals there were teachers, directors and pedagogical advisors and supervisors. The data was collected through interviews, questionnaires, the EPI Project, the EPI Syllabus Matrix and the Pedagogical Projects of the schools under investigation. This data were analyzed taking into account the Content Analysis and was then confronted with the theoretical presuppositions that guide the EPI proposition in Santa Catarina. A matrix divided in six moments was created for analysis. The first moment deals with the teachers and specialists perception regarding EPI implementation. The second moment approaches the curricular organization of these schools, the third one presents the profile teachers working with EPI should have, the fourth discusses full time education regarding the students of these schools, the fifth reveals the perception the teachers and specialists have regarding the needs of adaptation/overcoming of EPI in schools in Blumenau and the sixth explains the description of EPI according to what is registered in this document. Through the data analysis it was possible to imply that the participants believe that EPI, due to its extended hours, the diversified syllabus and the commitment of the teachers, improve the education of the students on the early stages of Elementary school. However, problems in the physical structure of the schools, the space and material resources are jeopardizing the settlement of the full time school. The participants of this research pointed out the need to adapt these aspects considered to be the apparatus for the settlement of the full time school, the space, the material resources and the physical structure of the schools under investigation


full time school elementary school ensino fundamental escolas públicas - organização e administração escola pública integrada educação integral integrated public schools educacao

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