Escutas da memória: os ouvintes das cançoes da Bossa Nova - Rio de Janeiro, décadas de 1950 e 1960




This thesis has as central subject the listening memories of the Bossa Nova listeners in Rio de Janeiro in 1950 s and 1960 s. The objective is to interpret listening experiences from that historical moment and the way they are kept in the memory and reverberate in the present time. For this, it is important to understand Bossa Nova historical background, its musical, social and cultural origins and the popular musical field estruturation. It algo aims to register the everyday life of that time, which is done through the interpretation of the news, the memories of the composers and the listeners, the songs and a analyses of the musical field in that time. The research methodology is based on the confrontationof these different approaches about the past, which consists of a complex weave of these varied speeches that has as conducting wire of the memories ofthe analyzed listeners, pointing out their experiences, aspects about the listeningand the look in the media society, the city, the youth and the slight knowledge of gender of that moment. AlI these questions asked at the analyzed time and pointed the future of a society where these elements would assume prominence position. Therefore, the listening ofBossa Nova is only one key to interpret ampler questions of the everyday life. The intention of this work is select experiences of the past that had produced some of the current forros of musicallistening and that keep intense relationships with the sonorous environrnent of that moment, thus, it algo interprets the listening of the world and life


ciencias sociais aplicadas bossa nova -- rio de janeiro, rj

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