Espanhol e português em contato: o atrito da L1 de imigrantes espanhóis no Brasil




The aim of this dissertation is to explore the process of attrition or language loss which i produced in the L1 of Spanish speaking adult Spaniards who are immigrants and residing in Brazil and who are proficient in Portuguese, which is, therefore, the L2, the contact language The action of the latter language plays a decisive role, since its influence over the L1 in th form of interference is one of the main causes of attrition, the other being a lack of contac with the L1 and the resulting deprivation of input. The research carried out, of a qualitativ nature, analyses the speech of 8 participants. The data was elicited by means of sem structured interviews which were later transcribed. A sociolinguistic questionnaire was also used to obtain personal information of a varied nature about the participants, which helped explain some of the results. The analysis of the speech corpus allowed us to identify, classify and describe the linguistic features that characterize the participants L1/Spanish and which can be interpreted as signs of attrition. The main goal is to find out and show the effect suffered by the L1, Spanish, when exposed to prolonged contact with the L2, Brazilian Portuguese


influência da l2 interference atrito da l1 l2 influence bilingüismo aculturação contato de línguas interferência morfolingüística l1 attrition language contact linguistica aplicada assimilação cultural cultura

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