Estados depressivos e situações de trabalho dos profesores universitarios




The aim of the present research was to investigate, through an exploratory study, how the university professors perceive the academic environment and possibles depressive states. A pre-sample was used composing of 20 university professors for verifying the validity of the instruments that were used to make the research. The sample estudved consisted of 50 university professors, both genders, actively working for three schools of higher learning in the Paraíba River Valley who were from three academic areas (sciences, humanities and biology). Three questionaires were used as instruments of research, made by the author of the study, named: Questionaire of Identification Sample Data (QDIA),Questionaire for Verifying Depressive States (QVED) and Questionaire for Verifying Working Situations (QVST). The analysis of the results was made by using the computer program "Statistica", from StatSoft, and by applying the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test of one sample to those variables which had data permitting this. The sample presented the following more frequent catagories: age: 36 to 45 years; gender: male; civil status: married, hours worked per week: 41 to 50 hours, teaching position: assistant professor; academic field: human sciences; time at work: from 6 to 10 years; working policy: part-time; academic title: master. The Working Situations showed be possible to unchain the depressive states in the sample in the following events: seek to make his work with perfection (84%); perceive that the others have no competency to working with him (76%); feel extreme worried with the other s opinion about his working performance (82%); think that the problem is in the high school institution (80%); the high school disturb his performance as a teacher (74%). The Depressive States which affected the sample surveyed was the following: discouragement (64%); melancholy (50%); sadness (56%); irritation (74%), anxiety (76%); low self-esteem (56%); stress (74%); perfectionism (98%) and critical (92%). The conclusions derived in this study, becaused of the size sample limitations, cannot be generalized. One developed, from the gathered results, strategies Psychopedagogy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approaches based, for Mental Health prevention of the university professors.


saude mental terapia do comportamento depressão mental psicopedagogia

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