Estimativa de perda na produção de leite pela mamite subclínica bovina através do "California Mastitis Test" e contagem global de células somáticas aliados à bacterioscopia


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work had as score toevaluate the losses in milk due to the subclinical mastitis (SCM) troughthe Kirk s (1984) linear score. The sensivity of the direct evaluation of the somatic cells in the milk was also studied as an indirect diagnostic of the SCM in cattle. Four cattle herds of EPAMIG (Empresa Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais) were worked out The first herd was composed by Black white Holstein breeds, considered as pure breeds by crossing, HPB-PC, plus half-breed (Half-Caste) Girolando (R1), a second herd was formed by Half-Caste Girolando animals only (R2), the third herd was made with pure frm the origin Black and white Holstein cattle (HPB PD) (R3) and the fourth group had Half-Caste Girolando animals (R4) The R1 and R2 herds were mantained at Prudente de Morais farm (Centro Regional de Pesquisa Centro Oeste EPAMIG) and R3 and R4 were at Pitangui farm (Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG). From 112 milking cows 425 samples of milk, each one from one teat, were checked bg the "California Mastitis Test" (CMT) Paired teats gave 96 samples taken during the beginning of the research and 150 samples more were later on through two milings Each herd was milked three times (total 12). Each pair of teats, from the same udder, was made up with a negative CMT reaction and positive ones, classified as -, +, ++ and +++. The herds from the first milking gave 43.21%, 36.69%, 57.14% and 33 33% prevalence for each group of animals R1, R2, R3 and R4 respectively. The productions of milk of each paired teat were weighed and those samples were checked for the total number of somatic cells by direct evaliation


mastite diagnostico teses. bovino doenças teses. leite produção teses.

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