Estimativa do limite de fadiga sob condições de fretting considerando o método da distância crítica do ponto em uma abordagem por elementos finitos




The goal of this work is to evaluate the fatigue limit of components under fretting conditions through a methodology usually applicated to notched componentes. The proposed methodology is based on the application of multiaxial models proposed by Dang Van and Susmel and Lazzarin (Method of Wohler Curve Modified) in terms of the Theory of Critical Distance by Taylor. To validate the methodology, are considered experimental data on literature for two aeronautic alloy: Al4Cu and Ti6Al4V . These experimental data involves cylindrical-on-flat contact under partial slip conditions and showed that the contact size influences the fatigue limit of the configuration despite the fact that the superficial stress state is identical on the hot spot for all tests. To estimate the fatigue limit under fretting conditions is required the determination of the cyclic stress field. To determine this cyclic stress field was also a goal in this work. The finite element method was used to determine the cyclic stress field and the methodology to estimate the fatigue limit under fretting conditions provided good results for the experimental data considered in this work.


engenharia mecanica fretting fatigue mesoscopic approach método dos elementos finitos efeito do tamanho do contato fadiga por fretting finite element analysis abordagem mesoscópica fadiga de componentes entalhados notch fatigue size effect

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