ESTRATÉGIA DE EQÜIDADE um estudo da acessibilidade aos exames de média e alta complexidade no SUS Goiás.




This study presents results of a quantitative and qualitative case study about the accessibility of patients of the System of Health Public SUS that require authorization to the medium and high exams at the Sector of Check-in/Ticket Exam and at the Sector of High Complexity/High Cost of the Secretary Municipal of Health of Goiânia. To identify the social-profile, the difficulties to access the authorization process and, also, to fulfill the post-authorization exams, have been used blank forms with closed questions for both mentioned sectors. Interviews have been made from a pre-defined itinerary used for the employees and twenty patients of the studied sectors. Information about the authorization and fulfillment of required exams and the difficulties funded by the patients to fulfill certain kinds of exams were crossed. The present results point for facilities to fulfill medium-complexity exams of Clinical Pathology and highcomplexity exams of cardiology, for the companies that provide service for SUS select low-cost procedure when it comes to companies that provide service for SUS. It concludes that there is a need to ensure to the citizen the full access of the health service with the purpose of a fair and effective attention.


equidade accessibility equality acessibilidade integrality and universality ciencias da saude integralidade e universalidade

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