Estrategias de desenvolvimento para o Brasil rural : balanço e perspectivas a partir da experiencia paulista / Development strategies to rural Brazil : balance and perspectives starting from the esperience of São Paulo state




This work is aimed to study the strategies of development in Brazil and in São Paulo and its relation with the transformation process that civil Society and the State are in. Through the analysis of the recent transformations of the Brazilian State, it was possible to verify that its reform and its strategies of action are being ruled by the conditions that the fiscal crisis imposed. It reflects directly over the implementation of the rural development strategies, limiting programs of agricultural reform, fighting against poverty and restructure of the services of research and rural extension. The transformations in the civil society have shown that it has a strategical part to break on through to the hegemony State/market at the leading of the rural development process. The civil society revitalization can be seen in the growing democratic areas to the rural development strategies debate and in the enrichment of the development schedule brought by the participation of the civil society organizations. The analysis of the strategies that molded the Rural Brazil have shown this hegemony of the State in the formulation and implementation of development strategies and have shown as well that the most capitalist segment of the field were the most beneficiary form the governmental action. The protagonism of the excluded segments happened due to the social fights, that promoted a slowly, but continuous expansion of the social rights in the field. The strategical challenges placed for a sustainable rural development are: i) to eradicate the poverty in the field; ii) improve the rural families? life condition; iii) To accelerate the rural spaces; iv) To redirect the state action. The ongoing strategies in the state of São Paulo are insufficient to answer this challenges, highlighting the need of restructuring not only of the strategies, but also of the organizations that implements it


national strategy agricultura - brasil sustainable development public policy agriculture rural extension sociologia rural politicas publicas desenvolvimento sustentavel rural sociology extensão rural

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