Estrategias de financiamento das cooperativas agricolas do estado de São Paulo : caso da cooperativa dos agricultores de Orlandia




This thesis discusses agricultural cooperatives growth strategies and their financing mechanisms. The features of the cooperative agribusiness and agricultural changes are presented, showing evidence that the recem cooperatives development must be understood in the 1igbt of those transformations. It a1so indicates how govemment used the cooperative system as a financial toal for both the cooperative segment and the agricultural sector as a whole, besides the role the State played in the cooperatives development in the state of Sao Paulo. Then. the differences conceming to strategies of cooperative and non-cooperative finns are presented, based on the fonner specificities. They show that each finn adopts strategies that differentiate one ftom another, because they tend to understand the opportunities and limits of growth based on their own experiences. A1though general strategies are common to all cooperatives, they differ among themselves and hence, four agricu1tural cooperatives are analysed: Cooperativa Agrícola de Cotia - CAC (SP), Cooperativa Regional Tritícola Serrana Ltda - cOTRIJUÍ (RS), Cooperativa dos Cafeicultores e Agropecuária de Maringá Ltda - COCAMAR (PR) and Cooperativa dos Agricuh:ores da Região de Orlândia - CAROL. In the specific case of CAROL, accounts and financial records, reports and director s oral narratives were used, considering 1963 to 1994. In this way, it analyses the intemal constraints that explain its diversification process and development, under extemal favourable conditions. The history of the finn is presented, higltlieJ1ting the intemal source of resources as a determinant factor for its development. This thesis demonstrates that in the 70s, the agricultural cooperatives development in the state of São Paulo did not depend on the State as a financial agent. It a1so shows that the agricultural cooperatives indebt does not represent a condition for developmem, refuting the idea that, under the Cooperative Law constraints, indebtedness is unavoidable. Agricu1tural cooperatives show different characteristics from those of non-cooperative finns. Specific strategies are adopted, which are related to patrimonial formation, market perfonnance, finn-customer relations, accumulation and growth strategy, as the case of CAROL illustrates


cooperativas agricolas planejamento empresarial

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