Estrategias de otimização de processos




In the present work a strategy of set optimization is proposed by joining deterministic and statistics techniques. Intents to do analyses of integration of the energy point of view and mass. This strategy seeks the use of the mathematical formalism, used in the simulation and optimization units for half deterministic, as well as the employment of stocastic methods that allow the global optimization of the whole plant. As a case study the acetaldehyde process is considered. This process presents non linear parts, constituting an interesting example to show the viability of the present proposal of optimization from both viewpoints local and global. At the local level, difficulties of an operational nature appear, that interfere directly in the etanol conversion to the acetaldehyde. The global analysis, has for its objective the energy integration of the process, in a way to minimize the involved thermal load. In both situations there exists a confrontation between the formalism deterministic and stocastic method. However an energy evaluation of the process of soy oil cleaning by means of the application of the " Pinch " tecnology was possible. Therefore, the restrictions and advantages of this aproach is shown, as well as the successes of process obtimizations already in operation, whose mathematical model is offten difficult to applied


simulação (computadores) processos quimicos - sintese

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