Estrategias de pesca e utilização de animais por comunidades pesqueiras da Ilha Grande, RJ




Human ecology deals with the interactions and adaptations of humans to the biological as well as to social-economic and cultural environment. In this study I analyze the use of acquatic and terrestrial animals,mainly vertebrates, in two fishing communities from Ilha Grande, Brazil: Aventureiro and Provetá. Aventureiro is a isolated community, located in the Reserva Biológica Estadual da Praia do Sul (a State protected area) and its inhabitants depend upon artisanal tishing and shifting cultivation for cash and subsistence. Sardine tishery is the main economic activity at Provetá. Once there are many fishing boats in Provetá, also used for transportation, there is a doser ocial-economic-cultural relationship between its inhabitants and of Angra-dos-Reis city, than between Aventureiro and Angra-dos-Reis. Comparing the folk and the scientifictaxonomy of locally important fishes (the most common, caught, consumed, sold, appreciated and avoided), I verified: (l) folk species and scientitic species as well as folk genera and scientilic species are lowly correlated, (2) several polytypic folk genera and folk species (one folk name related to more than one scientitic species), and (3) many synonymous of folk names. Emic and ethic explanations were found during analysis of fish and game preferences and avoidances (taboos) in both communities. No difference between these two communities was found in relation to the knowledge that people have on animais used as medicine. Several fishing strategies were observed according to the tishing gear and to methods of transportation. The central place foraging model did not explain the fishing strategies at Aventureiro. Fishing con1licts and tishing territorial defense were not veritied at Aventureiro, probably because this community is located inside a protected area what may guarantee the exclusive use of fishing resources to its population


ecologia humana pesca ecologia

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