Estrutura organizacional e gestão do conhecimento / Organizacional Design and Knowledge Management




The main goal of this research is to determinate how the Organizational Design Systems can impact the generation and dissemination of knowledge. It is necessary to understand how the information and knowledge flow within the organizations, which types of knowledge are that, which processes are used to disseminate the new generated knowledge, how the knowledge is generated within the organizations and how the organization is designed, among other relevant matters. The raw data obtained through interviews were analyzed in order to detect an effective correlation between questions and variables. The current study allows the conclusion that the Organizational Design have positive effect on Knowledge Management, mainly when practices of working with multidisciplinary teams are adopted to solve problems or to develop innovation projects and when suitable communication systems and environment for the development of a learning and knowledge sharing culture through face to face contacts – supported by appropriated technology – coexist.


organizacional design knowledge management learning organization estrutura organizacional gestão do conhecimento aprendizagem organiz

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