Estudo clinico do alho fresco em voluntarios sadios : avaliação da agregação plaquetaria in vitro e in vivo e comportamento da pressão arterial atraves da MAPA in vivo




Objective: This thesis has as objectives: to evaluate the platelet aggregation and the behavior of blood pressure in three moments (control; garlic single dose (3,5 g) and garlic daily dose (3,5 g) twice a day for 4 days) in healthy volunteers; To analyze the in vitro platelet aggregation answer adding garlic extract diluted in PRP and the last to correlate the obtained data from the aggregation analysis with the TxB2, GMPc parameters between in vivo and in vivo. For the in vivo Analysis eighteen (18) healthy volunteers of the masculine gender between 18 and 45 years old were selected, for an open, non-randomized study and divided into three groups (Control; Group With Single Garlic and Group Daily Garlic). Samples of the volunteers blood were collected according to the pre-established schedules. After execution of the platelet aggregation, blood Pressure through AMBP and quantification of TXB2 levels , statistical analyses were accomplished. For in vitro analysis 5 healthy volunteers of both genders were selected, free of any medication one week before collection. The blood was collected and the PRP was separated and added garlic extract in determined volume. After execution of the platelet aggregation and quantification of TXB2 levels, statistical analyses were also accomplished. Having these in vivo data as well in in vivo the comparative analysis between them was preceeded. Results: There was significant variation of the systolic BP and HR with daily administration of fresh garlic compared to control and single garlic. Regarding the platelet aggregation it was observed difference between the daily garlic group and the other two groups (P <0.005) when used agonist arachidonic acid. In the in vitro analysis, the results suggested that the garlic extract, in small amounts, can inhibit the platelet aggregation without affecting in a significant way the activity of ciclooxygenase. The results were confirmed with the TXB2, for amounts of extract that were capable to inhibit the platelet aggregation induced by all agonists, including that one induced by AA, didn t cause significant decrease of TXA2 synthesis induced by AA. Conclusion: We concluded that other mechanisms can be involved in the inhibition of the platelet aggregation other than the inhibition of the platelet ciclooxygenase when used the garlic extract. There is not an inhibition of the platelet aggregation through the action on the ciclooxygenase when observed in volunteers that ingested fresh garlic. The administration of garlic in natura, small quantities (3,5g garlic glove = 16 mg allicim/g garlic) can contribute to promote alterations in the hemodynamic behavior as observed through the AMBP in healthy volunteers


platelets (blood) pressão arterial farmacocinetica plaquetas (sangue) hemodynamic monitoring garlic alho pharmacokinetics monitorização hemodinamica

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