Estudo comparativo da flora microbiana vaginal de mulheres HIV soropositivas e soronegativas




The recent worldwide increase of HIV infection among women has given rise to the necessity of new researches into the transmission of the virus where various factors seem to interfere with the infectiousness of the agent. Especially in heterosexual transmission, it is believed that modifications in the ecosystem and, consequently, in vaginal flora could exercise a preponderant role to be able to analyse the clinical and microbiological characteristics of vaginal content among these women, a clinically controlled analytical study of 75 righ risk HIV seronegative women and 77 HIV seropositive women was carried out at the CAISM. By evaluating the type of vaginal flora, the intensity of the inflammatory process and the frequency of genital infections women with AIDS where observed to present a greater overall percentage of vaginal discharge, altered vaginal flora, acute inflammation and vaginal trichomoniasis. Also, the level of correction in the clinical diagnosis of vaginal discharge was studied and a greater degree of clinically correct diagnosis of candidiasis was observed as the patient s clinical immunological state worsened. These observations led to the conclusion that the vaginal ecosystem of HIV seropositive women without AIDS is very similar to that observed in high risk HIV seronegative women On the other hand both presented significant differences in the vaginal ecosystem when compared to women with AIDS. This leads to the belief that modifications of vaginal microbian flora in immune-suppressed women, who use antimicrobials, could facilitate the heterosexual transmission of HIV, as the inflammatory process carries a great amount of target cells for HIV infection therefore a greater number of virus particals. Apart from this, the difficulties of correct clinical diagnosis suggest that indiscriminate antimicrobial treatments of vulvovaginitis, only clinically diagnosed, should also not be applied, since this could aggravate such a situation


hiv (virus) vaginite microorganismos patogenicos

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