Estudo comparativo da infiltração atraves da aplicação de modelo chuva-defluvio a bacias do Estado de São Paulo




Due to the use alterations and occupation of the soil, the tluviometrics data of long period end up integrating those effects, elapsing non stationary series. For that reason the interest of simulation models of the rainfall-runnof process has been intensifying in the last decades. In that process, one of the studies basic elements went to infiltration, through the use of the rainfallrunnofmode LABSHI, developed in the Department ofResources Hydrologics ofthe Ability of Civil Engineering ofUNICAMP by the teacher DI. Valter Hemandez. The main objective ofthe work consists of a comparative analysis ofthe infiltration by means of different expressions. For so much, the use of expressions that represent the process such as the Green &Ampt expression quite mencionet in the literature, as described by Gupta (1989), the Diskin &Nazimov (1995) expression, and the one of Tan &O Connor (1995), providing the calculation of the rate of infiltration ofwater in the soil through data observed in the basins in study. The research takes as base three state of the São Paulo s basin, where the determination of the local parameters can serve as element for future studies of regionalization for other basins of the state. Comparations of the results generated by the rainfall-runnof model to the propused methods validates its use in the study of the infiltration, showing a better adjustment for the Green &Ampt method to thestudied periods


metodos de simulação infiltração hidrologia - modelos solos - percolação

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