Estudo comparativo dimensional e da resistencia mecanica de dois sitemas nacionais de distratores osteogenicos alveolares justa-osseos




The aim of this study was to perform a comparative analysis between two different alveolar distractions devices, of 9mm length, built by manufactured in Brazil. These two different devices were provided by companies (group I and group II). The analysis consisted of a macroscopic assessment from the distraction devices and its screws, followed by a traction resistance of the devices and torsion and bending resistance of the screws. Were used, for macroscopic assessment, ten distraction devices and forty screws, which included ten screws of every length offered by each company. Data was submitted to the Wilcoxon test for devices and Friedman test for screws. Ten distraction devices from each company were used for the traction resistance, and its results were submitted to the Student t test. Forty screws were used for the bending resistance. Values were compared trough F and Tukey test, with 5% significance. For the torsion resistance, ten screws from each company were used. The 1.3 X 5mm screws from group I and the 1.5 X 5mm from group II were chose to realize this test, and its results were submitted to the Student t test. Devices from group II presented less variation of its measurements, but there were not any statistical difference between the screws. Group II devices were tatistically more resistant to traction. Screws 1.5x5mm, produced by group II, were more resistant to bending and to torsion


alveolar distraction alveolar distrator devices ossos-regeneração processo alveolar dimensional analysis screws implantes dentario endoosseos mechanical resistance

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