"Estudo da aplicação da estrategia de simulated annealing aos problemas de programação da produção em unidades batelada"




Recent growth of specialty industries such as pharmaceutical, food products and material for electronic industries has increased the interest in the scheduling of batch production plants. The scheduling problem arises due the shared resources and available time processing of a potentially large number of products within certain constraints, like as due dates and available materials. A several methods are proposed to solve this problem, such as Mathematics Programming, Branch and Bound and heuristics methods. Due the complexity of scheduling problems, the use exacts methods are restricted due the large computational time demanded, while heuristics methods such a Simulated Annealing can offer sub optimal solutions in a short time. In this work the application of the Simulated Annealing method for scheduling problems for Flowshops and Jobshops batch plants was studied. A several versions of the Simulated Annealing algorithm based on Metropolis s and Glauber s algorithm are presented, together with annealing schedules and types of random moves for new solutions.


heuristica planejamento da produção alocação de recursos controle de produção

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