Estudo da disfunção erétil em uma população jovem de homens brasileiros / Erectile dysfunction study in a young population of Brazilian men




INTRODUCTION: Populational studies in erectile dysfunction (ED) rarely included subjects less than 40 years old and, when this was done, there were no information on the several factors and consequences potentially associated with this condition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) and associated factors in a sample of Brazilian men aged 18 to 40 years old. METHODS: The Brazilian Sexual Life Study interviewed 7,022 men and women in public places of 18 major Brazilian cities using a self-administered questionnaire that investigated social-demographic and health aspects, life habits and sexual difficulties, including ED, which was assessed by a single question. From the whole group, 1,947 were men between 18 and 40 years old. RESULTS: Complaints of ED were found in 35.0% of the study subjects (73.7% had mild ED; 26.3% moderate/complete ED). Greater frequency of ED report was seen in younger subjects (18 to 25 years), in men of black, mixed or Asian races, and in the group with less education; in the multiple regression analyses, among these factors, only low level of education remained strongly associated with ED diagnosis. Employment and marital status didnt affect the prevalence of erection problems. No association was seen between ED report and medical history of smoking, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, sedentary lifestyle, cardiopathy, hyperlipidemia, depression or anxiety. Sexual orientation was not correlated to greater ED frequency, but the lack of information about sex, difficulties in the beginning of sexual life and absence of masturbation habit were related to an increased chance of ED diagnosis. Recent sources of information about sex were mainly books and magazines, followed by talking to the partner and friends, being medical advice less mentioned by the whole study population. Other sexual disorders such as premature or retarded ejaculation, and decreased libido were more frequent in men with ED, in comparison to men without this dysfunction. Less than 10% of men with ED xix reported that ever received treatment for this problem, and about 3% of subjects without ED complaints admitted the use of medications to improve erectile function. ED caused negative impact in several aspects of life: in the relationship with partner and friends, in work and leisure, besides mens self-esteem, causing also a negative self-evaluation of sexual life and performance. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of ED in this population below 40 years of age was high, mostly of mild severity. Low education and problems in sexual initiation correlated to ED occurrence and, probably due to the sample subjects young age, no association was found with health problems of organic causes. Measures in the fields of education and prevention would have a positive impact in the control of erectile dysfunction in the population


distribuição por idade erectile dysfunction/etiology estudos transversais disfunção erétil/etiologia disfunção erétil/epidemiologia sexual behavior age distribution erectile dysfunction/epidemiology comportamento sexual cross-sectional studies

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