Estudo da distribuição de tensões e da resistência à tração de interfaces adesivas dentina-resina de duas formas de espécimes submetidos a diferentes protocolos de envelhecimento acelerado / Study of stress distribution and tensile bond strength of dentin-resin adhesive interfaces of two types of specimens submitted to different protocols of accelerated aging


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The rapid and frequent development of new materials and restorative techniques necessitate rapid assessments to estimate their clinical outcomes. This study sought to evaluate protocols for accelerated aging, in vitro, capable of simulating the performance of adhesive restorations with challenges inherent to the oral environment. The study included 36 molars that were randomly divided into 12 groups. In all groups were exposed dentin surface, defining the area of adhesion and etching the surface, then the application of Scotchbond Multipurpose Adhesive System, and placement of composite resin Z100, in increments. Six groups were fabricated in the shape of sticks and six other groups in dumbbell shape: the first was not subjected to thermal cycling and mechanical (STSM-P and STSM-H), the second was subjected to thermal cycling (10,000 cycles, 5-55 ° C) and not the mechanics (CTSM-P and CTSM-H); the third was subjected to mechanical cycling device with new Ethics (500,000 cycles) and not thermal (STNE-P and STNE-H); the fourth was subjected to mechanical cycling device with new Ethics, plus thermal cycling (CTNE-P and CTNE-H); the fifth was submitted the mechanical cycling device for Microrotation (105 cycles), but not thermal (STMR-P and STMR-H) and finally the sixth was subjected to mechanical cycling device for Microrotation plus thermal cycling (CTMR-P and CTMR-H). All groups were prepared for microtensile bond-strength test. With the measures of bond strength of each tooth was performed statistical analysis (ANOVA and Tukey test). Random samples of specimens were evaluated by SEM. The triple interaction format (stick or dumbbell-shaped) X Thermal cycling (with and without) X Cycling Mechanics (New Ethics and Microrotation) was not significant (p = 0.698), as well as the interaction 2-2 of the same factors: FORMXT (p = 0.391); TXM (p = 0.477); FORMxM (p = 0.746). With regard to factor Format specimen is observed that the bond strength values obtained for the dumbbell-shaped are higher than those obtained for the sticks (p = 0.000). With regard to factor Thermal cycling was observed that the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.2). As for factor Cycling Mechanics, the values of groups without cycling were very similar to those obtained in groups cycled through the system New Ethics, and the system by Microrotation, no significant difference between any of them (p = 0.587). The conclusions were that the stick-shaped specimens showed values of bond strength lower than the dumbbell-shaped; thermocycling and mechanical cycling were not able to significantly reduce the values of bond strength of adhesive interfaces, even when applied alone or when associated. It could not be establish any pattern of degradation among the groups by SEM; the finite element identified a more homogeneous distribution of stresses generated at the interface of dumbbell shaped specimens.


adesão adhesion bond strength ciclagem mecânica ciclagem térmica mechanical cycling resistência de união thermal cycling

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