Estudo da prevalencia da doença periodontal utilizando os indices "CPITN" e W.S FOP-UNICAMP




Several periodontal indexes were created aiming the diagnosis of periodontal lesions. The CPITN (Community Periodontal Index of Need of Treatment) index was very used in 80 decade and early 90s. However, several works are discussing recently its realibility. The W.S. FOP-UNICAMP (Wilson Sallum Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba-UNICAMP) index has been used for 5 years in the Clinics of Under graduation and graduation in Periodontology. The indexes above were applied in 400 voluntary patients, over 19 years, that assisted in the FOP-UNICAMP. The code "0" of CPITN was observed injust 2.2% ofthe sextants. There was a certain balance among the codes "1 ", "2" and "3" showing 22%, 25.8% and 25.5% respectively. The code "P0" (Attachment Loss-AL <3mm) of W.S. FOP-UNICAMP index was observed in 8.8% of the sextants. The code "PI" (AL ` >or = ´ 3 <5mm) and "P2" (AL ` >ou = ´5 <7mm) were the most frequent, corresponding respectively to 30.9% and 29.8%. The results showed that in both indexes the periodontal disease was highly frequent and that W.S. FOP-UNICAMP index, for analyzing periodontal attachment loss, gives us more significant details on the individual s periodontal state. However, further studies are necessary for a better comprehention between these indexes


epidemiologia doença periodontal

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