Estudo da prevalencia da respiração predominantemente bucal e posiveis implicações com o aleitamento materno em escolares de São Caetano do Sul - SP - Brasil




The nasal physiological breathing has an important function for the correct craniofacial development and growth. When, for some reason, obstructive or not, this breathing becomes damaged, it starts to develop a buccal breathing which will supply the respiratory needs. When this buccal breathing becomes predominant, several disturbances, not only the oral aspect but also the systemic order, will be unchained. The predominantly buccal breather is a patient who has your general health committed by the limits and complications of this disturbance. Therefore, the precocious diagnostic of this dysfunction is fundamental because it can interfere, many times, in a interdisciplinary way, trying to avoid or diminish the damages to the individual health. The aim of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of the predominantly buccal breathing in children enrolled in the four first grades of the elementary school, at state public schools of the municipal district of São Caetano do Sul ? SP ? Brazil. The initial sample was 1.100 children, considering that 556 were female genre and 544 were male genre, between 6 and 12 years old (middle age of 9,85 years old). The authorization which allows the children to participate effectively of the research was accomplished by Terms of Free and Illustrious Consent for researches with human beings, sent to parents or responsible, who also answered a questionnaire including questions related to the children breathing, habits, breathing and posture. Afterwards, a clinical analysis was accomplished in order to make it possible for us to realize if the child´s breathing was predominantly nasal or buccal, without any complementary exam and do not causing any inconvenience to the child. Its fulfillment and interpretation guide us to select the children (target population) who participate of the research and to evaluate possible ethiological factors of the RPB (breathing predominantly buccal). The prevalence of the breathing predominantly buccal in the children´s sample was 26,8%. After relating all the data obtained through the questionnaires with children´s respiratory pattern, it was proved that, for the well educated population the breast-feeding exclusively maternal was fundamental for the establishment of the normal respiratory pattern (Nasal Breathing) considering that 78,02% of the children who received the AEM (breast-feeding exclusively maternal), developed normal respiratory pattern and 21,98% RPB (breathing predominantly buccal). At once, its fault has direct relation to the establishment of the RPB in child, because 48% of the children who did not receive the AEM developed RN (normal breathing) and 52% RPB. At the same time, it was observed that as larger was the period breast-feeding exclusively maternal, larger the probability of the child present the nasal breathing according to the results founded for the breathers predominantly buccal, considering that 52% of the children who received the AEM for less than one month developed the RN and 48% the RPB, in other hand, 90% of the children who received the AEM for more than six months developed the RN and 10% the RPB. It was also observed that the preventive action of the AEM over the RPB and the influence of the breast-feeding period over the effectiveness of the prevention do not depend on child´s sex


respiração bucal ortodontia amamentação prevalencia

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