Estudo das características de células solares de silício monocristalino. / Study of monocrystalline silicon solar cells characteristics.




Systems of measurements were developed for the characterization of single crystal silicon solar cells. For that, the curves I x V were measured in the dark and for different intensity of illumination. Curves of spectral response and of capacitance as a function of the reciprocal of the voltage were also measured. The behavior of the cells as a function of temperature was analysed and also measurements of junction depth were made by three different methods. Values for the parameters that characterize the cells were obtained, showing a good agreement with theoretical values and also with already reported values.


open circuit voltage solar cells conversion efficiency maximum power short circuit current silício monocristalino fill factor fator de preenchimento monocrystalline silicon tensão de circuito aberto corrente de curto-circuito electric characterization células solares eficiência de conversão potência máxima caracterização elétrica

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