Estudo das distorÃÃes do sistema geodÃsico de referÃncia da regiÃo metropolitana do Recife / Study of the distortions of the geodesic system of reference of the region metropolitan of Recife




This work came out in the course of the need of determination o possible distortions found in the Geodesic System of Reference of the Metropolitan Region of Recife (MRR), implemented in 1973. So that the main objective of this work is to analyze the existing discrepancies into MRR in order to help the users to understand the discrepancies in the Geodesic Net of References (GNR). The research also studies the history of the GNR. The distortions of the Geodesic Net of References of the MRR has been studied in thee stages. The first stage had as objective an approximated determination of discrepancies among the map coordinates, using the existing cartographic products whose results show the existing discrepancies. In the second stage was made a comparing study of the geodetic network used for georeferencing the orthophotos of the cadastral geographical maps whose results show discrepancies near to the distortions of the first stage. In the third stage was made a precise determination using the same segments of the GNR through a comparison among the results of a GPS network implanted for this end, and the GNR implanted from 1984 to 1989 in the MRR


geodesia sistema de posicionamento global (gps) distorÃÃes em sistemas geodÃsicos de referÃncia distortions in systems of geodetic reference global position system (gps) geodetic reference net rede geodÃsica de referÃncia

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