Estudo das relações entre os elos da cadeia láctea do Rio Grande do Sul e sua competitividade


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The new economic context, characterized by the market opening and the stabilization of the economy, brought several challenges for the dairy chain, what has been pressing its links to go through an adjustment process, in order to overcome its main problems, of structural nature or of technological base. In this sense, the present study aimed to trace an overview on the competitiveness of the dairy chain of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. focusing its structure, strategies and the interaction and induction processes, plenty present among all the links of the chain: from vendor of input industry, machines and equipments to processor/transformer industry and distributors. It was also assessed the influence of the public politics and systemic factors in the economic changes environment. Therefore the study was based on secondary data and semi-structured interviews with the link representatives. It was observed that the search for better attendance to the more and more dynamic needs of the consumeis, has been demanding the national dairy chain agents a fast answer capacity, mainly due to the internationalization of the dairy chain of supplies. Intending to adapt to these demands, the dairy farms are pressing the link of the cattle production for changes, mainly in the sense of increasing the quality and production scale and decreasing its seasonal norm. The cattle production link, characterized as the most fragile of the chain (mainly if compared with the other countries of Mercosul), is trying to adapt to the new demands. But the link is as influenced by the economic acting of the cattle activity, as it facilitates the technological development of the activity, although some sections are characterized as less dynamic. Other problems of systemic origin, as the import of subsidized products, affect the global acting of the chain negatively. With the perspective of reducing the international subsidies and increasing the milk production in Rio Grande do Sul and in Brazil, the chain can benefit from the international trade, but have to put in a series of changes in the search for better competitive position, mainly in relation to the other countries of Mercosul.


agroindústria : competitividade : estratégia : políticas públicas : estrutura

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