Estudo de poços parabólicos largos de AIGaAs em campos magnéticos altos / Study of wide parabolic quantum wells of AlGaAs in high magnetic fiels




We present the results of experiments and calculations done on AlGaAs Parabolic Quantum Wells (PQWs) grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxial tecniques. Transport measurements in n-type and p-type samples with widths between 1000 ºA and 4000 ºA at low temperatures indicate an abrupt increase of the Hall coeficient at a critical field B ¼ 3 T. Our study focuses on the interpretation of this observed increase. To this end, we study by means of self-consistent numerical simulations and analytical approximations the charge transfer process in PQWs. We compare our results for the sheet densities with those observed experimentally. The best results are obtained for n-type samples for which we could numerical simulations. However, the analytical expressions we obtained also describe qualitatively the experimental results, and can be applied to p-type samples. In the second part of this work we study the efect of a magnetic feld applied perpendicular to the well. The simulations indicate a diminishing of the charge density and the total potential in the well. These results, combined with the charge transfer process, lead to a redistribution of charge between the well and the dopant layers. Therefore, we interpret the observed increase of the Hall coefcient as the result of a depletion of charge in the parabolic quantum well.


propriedades de transporte hall effect quantum well heteroestruturas de algaas transport properties efeito hall poço parabólico algas heterostructures

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