Estudo do comportamento da frequencia cardiaca e da pressão arterial sistemica em diferentes inclinações do decubito dorsal em individuos normais




State of Rest 1 - From among several adaptations concerning to the corporal posture, the cardiac frequency was lower at the lateral position at 45° and higher at a sitting position, related to the other positions the values from this variable assumed intermediate magnitude, but not significant. 2 - The index range ofFC and IRR, specially RMSSD, were also the highest at the lateral position at 45°, and the lowest at a sitting position, in the other positions they assumed diferent values and frequent1ynot significant. 3 - The statistical importances of range were different depending or the variable considered (RMSSD or SD) and if it was expressed by FC or IRR. 4 - The values from systolic and diastolic arterial pressure were similar to the 4 postures studied while the double product was lower at the lateral position at 45° and higher at the sitting position. Dynamical exercise; 5 - On submaximus levels of potency ( 50 and 60 watts) occured significant elevation cardiac frequency related to the repose concerning to all corporal positions studied. However, the absolute values were similar just to 50 watts, while to 60 watts they were higher at the sitting position than the other corporal ones. 6 - The frequency cardiac variety expressed by RMSSD and SD decresead during the exercise for both potencies (50 and 60 watts), however, important differences continued occoring according to the type of index considered as so the way the variable was expressed, FC or IRR. 7 - At 50 watts the systolic and diastolic blood pressure and the double product were not different concerning to the 4 posture studied, however, at 60 watts the pressure values and the double product were higher at the lateral position at 45° and lower at sitting position. 8 - During the top of the eforts, the absolute values and the respective increments, from the rest, were higher at the sitting position and lower at lateral position at 45°. 9 - The systolic and dyastolic blood pressure on the top of the effort were not different from the 4 posture studied. ... Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


pressão arterial exercicios fisicos - aspectos fisiologicos adaptação (fisiologia)

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