Estudo dos mecanismos genéticos e celulares durante a fase inflamatória do processo de regeneração tecidual em animais selecionados geneticamente para a máxima resposta inflamatória aguda homozigotos para os alelos R ou S do gene Slc11a1. / Study of genetic and cellular mechanisms during the inflammatory phase of tissue regeneration process in animals genetically selected for maximum acute inflammatory response homozygous for Slc11a1 R and S alleles.




Homozygous AIRmax and AIRmin sublines for Slc11a1 R and S alleles present distinct regenerative capacity to the ear hole. AIRmaxSS mice exhibited early tissue regeneration compared to AIRmaxRR animals, suggesting that the Slc11a1 S allele promotes regeneration in these animals. AIRmin sublines didnt show regeneration after ear punch. In response to the stimulus, AIRmaxSS animals exhibited more intense and later local inflammation than AIRmaxRR animals, presenting elevated levels of MPO, edema and cellular influx predominantly of neutrophils. Global gene expression analysis showed differentially-expressed genes between the sublines, in which over-represented biological theme is cell proliferation in both sublines. AIRmaxSS animals displayed over-representation of inflammatory response in up-regulated genes and of muscle contraction in down-regulated genes. Microarray results were validated by using quantitative PCR.


inflammatory response regeneração (fenômenos biológicos) gene slc11a1 tecido animal (genética) slc11a1 regeneração epimórfica blastema regeneration (biological phenomena) animal tissue (genetics) regeneração tecidual blastema reparo tecidual inflammation (genetics) tissue repair epimorphic regeneration resposta inflamatória tissue regeneration inflamação (genética)

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