Estudo dos níveis motivacionais em relação ao uso de substâncias psicoativas e a espiritualidade / Study of motivational levels in relation to the use of psychoactive substances and spirituality.




There are evidences of the relationship between spirituality and health and also that the exercise of spiritual dimension has potential to stimulate positive changes among users of alcohol or other drugs, in the rehabilitation process. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between spirituality and motivational levels (Transtheorical Model) among individuals who make harmful use or are dependent on psychoactive substances, in treatment or members of a group of mutual-help, and evaluate the performance of translated and adapted version of Spirituality Self Rating Scale (SSRS). The methodological design of the study is made on transversal type. A questionnaire was drawn up, containing sociodemographic information and motivation and spirituality scales - URICA and SSRS, respectively. The sample consisted of 138 (69%) males. Participating users were linked to a group of AA, a service of CAPS-ad and three Therapeutic Communities (evangelical, catholic and without religious ties). Amidst the results, it was found that the respondents had an average age of 39 years, catholics 71 (51.4%) and practitioners 83 (60.1%). The majority answered that the consumed psycoative substance for the last time was alcohol 65 (47.1%) and 49 (35.5%) use or used psychoactive substances for over 10 years, all or almost all day 90 (60,2%). The SSRS scale showed good index of reliability, with overall alpha of chronbach 0.8333, ranging from 0.7028 to 0.8878. There was no statistically significant relationship between spirituality and religious aspects. Most 84 (60.8%) considers spirituality different from religiosity. The motivational stages that showed association with spirituality were pre-contemplation, action and maintenance, through linear multiple regression analysis. The results make us reflect that the exercise of spiritual dimension in each stage can be considered to stimulate the individual to succeed in the process of behavior changing, in relation to the use of substance and rehabilitation in various contexts. The scale SSRS can be recommended for use, despite its limitations. We conclude that there is a need of successive assessments of the processes involving the aspects of spirituality, in context of treatment and motivation in the behavior changing, in relation to abuse and dependence of psychoactive substances


dependência a substâncias espiritualidade addiction to substances abuse of psychoactive substances motivação. spirituality abuso de substâncias psicoativas motivation.

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