Estudo eletromiografico de musculos da mastigação na posição de repouso da mandibula




The temporal muscles (anterior portion), masscter and suprahyoid were studied electromyographycaly in 15 volunteers between 18 and 35 years old, presenting normal occlusion (Angle s class I), completed dentition, without malfunction of the stomatognathic system. With the volunteers comfortable sat on a chair, keeping Frankfurt s plan parallels to the soil, the muscles were analyzed on the rest position of the mandible through various stages as: without exteroccptive stimuli, relaxation with soft music, abolishment of the intrabucal negative pressure with plastic tube, stress provoked by an elctronic game, desocclusion of the posterior teeth using a "Front-Platô" in anterior teeth and after the withdrawal of this device. The electromyographical results were evaluated through clinic analises, such as: in the hypothesis test to dependent samples where it was analysed the sum of the motor, units frequencies, in a period of O 1 minute. It was verified that there was significant statistic difference between the relaxation stages compared to the abolishment of the intrabucal negative pressure and mainly with the stress stage, only with suprahyoid muscles, with a 5% stage of significance


eletromiografia anatomia

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