Estudo eletromiografico de musculos da pelve na manutenção do equilibrio ortostatico




This task intends to registers the eleetromyographie aetivity of the muscles ilioeostalis lumbar (ICL), gluteus maximus (GM), reetus abdominis (RA) and reetus femoris (RF) in the normal upright postural relaxed and with the alterations provoked by rises on the heels, as it happens when wearing high heels shoes, of 2,0, 4,0, 6,0 e 11,0 eentimeters. For that utilized an eleetromyography VIKING 11 with 8 ehanels, with surfaee eleetrodes Beekman to registrate the eJÇames in 10 subjeets, between 16 and 25 yers old, with no postural ehange eonsidered pathologie. This eondition was respeeted with the obtainment of the elinieal history and phisieal exame of the subjéets using one espondilometer. The results, submeted the graphie analises deseriptive after the average of -the values RMS and statistie analyses no parametrie, show that, the m. ICL shows more aetive in the positions where the people are up relaxed without elevations in the heels and with elevation in 2 em and less aetive with the people wearing 6 em of high on the plataform. The m. GM produeed eleetrieal aetivity relatively eonstant in alI position, being the biggest in the positon 11,0 em of platform and the smalIest with 4,0 em. As for the m. RF, on the platform 11,0 and 6,0 em apresented more eleetrieal aetivity and the least on the platform with 4,0 em . The m. RA produeed eleetromygraphie aetivity average and crescent according to the platfmID was being elevated fi;om 0,0 to 2,0, after 4,0 and 6,0 and fmaIJy increased 11,0 cm of high. With these results analysed we could drow that, with the muscles studied the most active is the ICL and the less solicited is GM, in the upright postural relaxed, being confumed the importance of all; musdes studied in this position. The conditionthat require less energetic consume is with the use of platform with 4,0 cm, not being therefore the absence of elevation (zero) the best for the rest in upright position


eletromiografia postura humana pelvis - musculos

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