Estudo histologico, histoquimico e morfometrico comparado da pele, das glandulas cutaneas e das glandulas cutaneas sexualmente dimorficas de tres especies de anfibios anuros




The skin, the cutaneous glands and the sexually dimorphie skin glands (SDSG) of the species Cycloramphus dubius, Scinax hiemalis and Phyllomedusa burmeisteri were comparatively studied by means of histological, histochemical and morphometrie procedures. The focus of attention of this work was centered on the sexually dimorphie skin glands with the aim to establish not only the similarities among them but also to diseuss the possible role played by this type of gland, sinee the SDSG are a distinetive secondary sexual character of adult males. Our results show that the skin and the cutaneous glands of the three species investigated have the same basic histological organization, exhibiting, however, structural adaptations related with the ecological habitat and the habits of the animal. The sexually dimorphie skin glands of the three species are very similar in their morphological and histochemical characteristies, although they have distinct anatomiealloealizations: inguinal region (for C. dubius), ventro-saeral region (for S. hiemalis) and in the thumbs (for P. burmeisteri); these glands are mainly clusters of granular glands, i.e., they are composed of elongated granular glands grouped compactly, covered by a thin epidermis. From these three glands, only the nuptial gland of P. burmeisteri can be considered as a breeding gland without question; for the other two glands additional work will be necessary to include them as glands related with the reproductive behavior of the animal. Nevertheless, field observations carried out for the species C. dubius, coupled with the morphology exhibited by the inguinal glands during the breeding season, strongly suggest that these glands may be involved in the reproductive activities of this species.


anuro pele anfibio

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