Estudo "in vitro" de metodos de aplicação de curativos intracanais de hidroxido de calcio nos tratamentos endodonticos




The purpose of this research was evaluate "in vitro" the different insertion methods of calcium hydroxide paste into root canais. One hundred and twenty blocks were made with c1ear plastic blocks simulating root canais with apicaI matrix diameters with 0,30 mm (with curves), 0,50 mm, 0,80 mm, 1,20 mm and 1,40 mm. The tested methods were: counterclock wise rotation of K Files, c1ockwise rotation of Lentulo Spiral, c1ockwise rotation of McSpadden Compactors, Canal Finder, Ultrasound and Syringes at 4 canais of each diameter. This efficiency was evaluated through radiograph examination in the thirds cervical, haIf and apicaI checking the completed canais compactation level. The most efficient method was the Lentulo Spiral, followed by the Files and McSpaddtm Compactors, main1y at the apical one third. The Syringe injection, CanaI Finder and Ultrasound were little efficient. The used time was minimum, and it was considered as an irrelevant factor .


endodontia - metodos experimentais canal radicular - tratamento hidroxido de calcio

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