Estudo parametrico da purificação de monoxido de carbono : processo rectisol




This work consists in a simulation of a Carbon Monoxide (CO) Plant, which is produced by petrol coke and oxygen, and it is cleaned throgh the metanol at low temperatura under high pressure (Rectisol Process). The simulation of CO Plant is made with the support of a process simulator. The selection of property method, the prediction about efficiency column, and correction in the energetic balance absortion column, were some of the input information necessary to the simulation. The result of simulation is analysed with expérimentais data obtained from a Pilot Plant, and also from the industrial CO Plant. From the simulation it is possible to realize the parametric study, which becomes possible to verify how the process variables affect the CO purification. As the result of this work, we show a new operation conditions to the purification process, which reduce the production cost of the CO Plant, and not affecting the quality of the final product


engenharia quimica processos quimicos

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