Estudo reologico do suco de manga : efeito dos solidos insoluveis




This is an experimental investigation aimed at studying the rheological behaviour of mango pulp, variety Keitt at 30°C. The whole pulp was prepared in the laboratory and refined using a finisher with a mesh 1.6mm. The whole pulp was passed through sieves of different mesh values and also centrifuged. All pulp fractions, both sieved and centrifuged and also whole pulp, were analysed using two rheometers both of the rotating cylinder type. The rheograms were described by the Ostwaid-de-Waelle, Casson, Herschel-Bulkley and Mizrahi-Berk rheological models. Results from the two rheometers Haake Rotovisco and Conrraves Rheomath, were compared according to the rheological models used. All samples showed pseudoplastic behaviour. The best fit for the Haake Rotovisco instrument was achieved using the Casson, Herschel-Bulkley and Mizrahi-Berk models while for the Contraves Rheomat instrument the best fit was Mizrahi-Berk. Considering all the models used, the best fit resulted from the Haake Rotovisco data.


reometros reologia manga

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