Estudo sobre o controle da brotação das gemas epifilas em Bryophyllum Calycinum




It was studied the control of the epiphyllous buds development in Bryophyllum calycinum. The epiphyllous buds exhibit dormancy and the results suggest that the bud development is controlled by endogenous factors. he epiphyllous buds imediately grow up when apex and lateral buds are removed, showing an apical dominance on them. Exogenous hormones like auxins applied on the buds inhibit their growth. On the other hand, exogenous citocynins stimulate the epiphyllous buds. The buds develop if the leaf is detached from mother plant or when it is isolated from the floem flux, by an Malpighi ring. So, these evidences indicate that the factor which controls the bud development is present in the vascular system. In fact, the epiphyllous buds are controled by a factor present in the leaf. The presence or abscence of this factor is that determine the begining or not of the epiphyllous bud development


plantas - reprodução fisiologia vegetal hormonios vegetais crassulacea

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