Estudo ultraestrutural de espermatozoide de squamata (Reptilia), e sua importancia na analise filogenetica




The phylogenetic analysis based on sperrn ultrastructure has proved to be very interesting to cellular and systematics biologists. This interest stems from the fact that the sperrn ultrastructure provides an important new and non-traditional source of data, evolutionarily more conservative than the morphological characters traditionally used and, hence, this ultrastructure provides more inforrnative data for phylogenetic analyses. In order to contribute to the knowledge of phylogenetic relationships among Squamata, this dissertation adds new inforrnation about sperm ultrastructure. It describes, for the first time, the sperrn ultrastructure of four families of Squamata, using transmission electron microscopy; makes comparisons with other squamates, and finally conducts a phylogenetic analysis of the Squamata. The results show that data on the ultrastructure on sperrnatozoa of Squamata suffer from deficiencies and produce unsatisfactory results in terrns of resolving the phylogenetic relationships of Squamata. Nevertheless, the detailed studies of the sperrn ultrastructure in squamates uncovered an independent and phylogenetically structured source of characters that can profitably be used in phylogenetic analyses where other data sets are uninforrnative


filogenia reptil ultraestrutura (biologia) evolução espermatozoides

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