Estudos de fatores bioticos de controle natural em população de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) epidopter (Lepidoptera : noctuidae)




In the present work, the role of some biotic mortality factors, as natural controlling agents of populations of Spodoptera frugiperda, a pest do corn, was evaluated. The biology of S. frugiperda was studied in the laboratory as a necessary prerequisite for the interpretation of the data collected in the course of this work. Campoletis flavicintan, an endoparasite, was on of the most frequently encountered natural enemies of S. frugiperda during field collecrions. Its biology was studied in the laboratory. The egg and the larval stages occur inside the host and last on an average 8 days. The prepupal and pupal stages occur outside the host and last on an average 8 days. The famele of this species reproduces by parthenogenesis, the offspring being all males. The famale deposits on an average 146 eggs during the oviposition period. The effect of host size on the development of the parasite was investigated and was found to be an important factor in determining the sex ratio of the parasite. The pathogenicity of Nomuraea rileyi, an enthomopathogenic fungus, on larvae of S. frugiperda was also studied in the laboratory. The symptoms observed were noted. Histopathology and external symptoms in larvae naturally infected by Virimorpha necatrix were investigated. Some changes in the highly infected tissues were noted


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