Estudos enzimaticos utilizando a UDP-glucuronil transferase e a beta-glicosidase voltados a sintese de derivados glicosidios da violaceina




In this work the growth of the Chromobacterium violaceum in pilot scale and a new methodology of extraction and purification of violacein, a secondary metabolite produced by this bacteria, had been studied. The violacein is a natural pigment extracted of the Chromobacterium violaceum with important biological activities, however, with low solubility in watery systems. Reactions of biotransformation of the violacein had been carried using enzymes, in the attempt of attainment of its glycosides derivatives. For this, kinetic studies of two enzymes, the UDP-glucuronil transferase and b-glucosidase had been necessary. These studies had demonstrated the variation of the enzymatic rate constant in function of different denaturing agents, such as surfactants and solvent. Some tests had been carried also with model molecules, such as p-nitrophenol, octanol and 5 -hydroxyindol, for otimization of the system.


enzimas biotransformação (metabolismo)

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