Etiologia e prevalencia dos sinais e sintomas associados as alterações funcionais do sistema estomatognatico




The aim of this work was to verify the prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in patients who voluntarily wanted the Piracicaba Dentistry Scholl for dental treatment, comparatively evaluating the dates obtained through anamnesic relate and clinical and physical examinations. We aleatorily selected 400 patients of both sex and submitted they to the clinical index of CETASE - FOP/UNICAMP. In the anamnesic questions were included a spontaneous relate and direct questions related to TMJ, masticatory muscles and unspecific relates. During the clinical examination, were evaluated the physical aspects related the static and dynamic occlusal conditions and, in the physical examinations were realized heavy and resistance tests, and masticatory muscle palpation. Through the obtained results we concluded that, the symptoms related with more prevalence in the anamnesic relate were respectively, frontal region and temporal muscle pain, and articular noise. The signs observed with more prevalence in the clinical examination were respectively, molar occlusion in protrusive, absence of canine guidance, molar occlusion in work side, molar occlusion in balance side, condilar jumping and medial line deviation in maximal intercuspation. The sign observed with more prevalence during the physical examination were respectively, temporal muscle pain in palpation, positive heavy test and masseter muscle pain and medial pterygoid muscle pain in palpation. There were a correlation of the dates obtained through the anamnesic questions, and the clinical and physical examinations. Finally the clinical index of CETASE were efficient in the obtention of a large date basis, directed to the differential diagnosis of temporomandibular joint disorders


oclusão (odontologia) articulação temporomandibular mastigação

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