Etnozoneamento, etnomapeamento e diagnóstico etnoambiental : representações cartográficas e gestão territorial em terras indígenas no estado do Acre




Over the centuries maps have been produced and used by dominant groups as intrinsic components of the processes of territorial and social conquest. This can be seen in the history of cartography in Acre which produced a diverse range of maps to delimit international and state boundaries. Only recently has the wide knowledge of the indigenous people that inhabit the region become incorporated in maps such as the ethno-zoning of the Mamoadate Indigenous Land, the ethno-mapping of the Kampa do Rio Amônia Indigenous Land and the ethno-environmental survey of the Nawa Indigenous Land. These planning tools aim to provide inputs to territorial management in indigenous lands through the production and use of descriptive information and thematic maps - hydrology, vegetation, hunting, fishing, extractivism, invasion, history, human occupation, among others. Based on my involvement in these three initiatives and from the diverse sources consulted and information produced, I have applied an anthropological approach to the three above mentioned experiences ethno-zoning, ethno-mapping and ethnoenvironmental survey with the intention of understanding the process involved in the production and use of maps as instruments of knowledge-power for territorial management in indigenous lands. I conclude that the maps continue to be linked with forms of domination, but now as components of sustainable development ideology. However, in this context, even with maps using disciplinary and regulatory technologies, the indigenous peoples can rise above the status of subjects in their production and use them as liberating mechanisms in some circumstances.


gestão territorial antropologia mapeamento participativo povos indígenas

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