Evaluation and estimate of genetic component of productive characteristics and egg quality in corte quail lineages / Avaliação e estimação de componentes genéticos de características produtivas e da qualidade de ovos de linhagens de codorna de corte




Data from two genetic groups were evaluated by main component technique, the first group made up of 629 animals proceeding from the UFV 1 genetic group and the second made up by 707 from the genetic group UFV2. The following characteristics for analyses: bird weight (P1, P2, P3 and P4), egg average weight (POM1, POM2, POM3 and POM4), shell average weight(PCM1, PCM2, PCM3 and PCM4), yolk average weight (PGM1, PGM2, PGM3 and PGM4) , egg average specific gravity (DM1, DM2, DM3 and DM4), egg average width (LOM1, LOM2, LOM3 and LOM4), egg average length (COM1, COM2, COM3 and COM4), number of eggs (N1, N2, N3 and N4) and age at the first egg (IDPO). The analysis of multicolinearity among the characteristics of the UFV1 genetic group, the variables POM2, N1, POM1 were eliminated because they provoked severe multicolinearity in the analyzed characteristics. 19 (63.3%) out of 30main components of the UFV1 genetic group, showed self-value lower than 0.7 and they were discarded following the criteria proposed by JOLLIFFE (1972, 1973). The analyses of the main components indicated the characteristics COM1, PGM1, PCM1, P1, LOM2, PGM2, LOM3, PCM3, PGM4, DM4 and IDPO to be used in their decomposition in the study of the main components. For the genetic group UFV2 the variables POM3, POM4, POM2 and LOM3 were identified and eliminated because of causing severe multicolinearity in the analyzed characteristics. 19 (65.5%) out of 29 main components in the UFV2 genetic group, showed self-value lower than 0.7 and they were discarded. The suggested characteristics for analyses of the main components are the following: PCM1, P1, LOM2, P2, N2, COM3, DM3, LOM4, PCM4 and IDPO. The estimate of inherit capacity of the selected characteristics in UFV 1 genetic group were: COM1(0,24), PGM1(0,24), PCM1(0,54), P1(0,34), LOM2(0,38), PGM2(0,33), LOM3(0,49), PCM3(0,49), PGM4 (0,32), DM4(0,44), IDPO(0,10) and TXT(0,09). The estimate of inherit capacity of the selected characteristics in the UFV2 genetic group were PCM1(0,27), P1(0,21), LOM2(0,43), P2 (0,22), N2(0,03), COM3(0,27), DM3(0,51), LOM4(0,49), PCM4 (0,57), IDPO(0,09) and TXT(0,07). There is a high variability for the egg qualitative charactherisistscs in both quail lineage and the genetic correlation show the possibility of gains correlated in the egg qualitative characteristic when the selection is practiced in the body weight. It is expected small answer for the selection for egg production in both genetic groups.


eqqs quality ovos de codorna genetica e melhoramento dos animais domesticos qualidade quails parâmetros genéticos main components technique componentes principais codorna genetic parameters

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