Evaluation of enzyme-linked immunoassay systems for detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 antibody from filter paper disks impregnated with whole blood.


Five commercial enzyme-linked immunoassay systems for the detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 antibody from filter paper disks impregnated with whole blood were evaluated for technical and operational performance. All five systems performed adequately in the technical challenges posed, with specificities in excess of 99% for 1,020 specimens. In a serial dilution sensitivity challenge, all of the kits were able to detect specific antibody within one dilution of a Western blot (immunoblot) standard, except for a Du Pont Co. kit, which detected antibody within two dilutions of the standard. The Du Pont assay showed the least variation in control values between test runs and between lots. All of the systems produced acceptable results, but their operational parameters differed significantly.

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