Evaluation of five commercial tests for detection of immunoglobulin M antibodies to human parvovirus B19.


The following commercial tests for detection of immunoglobulin M antibodies to human parvovirus B19 were evaluated: Ideia Parvovirus B19-IgM, MRL Diagnostics Human Parvovirus B19 IgM ELISA, Parvoscan-B19, and Biotrin Parvo B19 IgM EIA and IF. A total of 203 serum specimens from patients who probably have current B19 infections or have other viral infections and sera with rheumatoid factor were investigated. Between 75 and 79 of 102 serum samples from patients thought to have current B19 infections yielded positive results with the different tests. Ideia had the highest specificity (94.8%), while Parvoscan showed a specificity of only 70.1%. Our evaluation results show that Ideia, MRL, and Biotrin EIA and IF can be recommended for diagnostic purposes.

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