Evaluation of nursing procedures quality - bathing and wound dressing - according to care dependency level of hospitalized patients of an University Hospital / Avaliação da qualidade dos procedimentos de enfermagem - banho e curativo - segundo o grau de dependência assistencial dos pacientes internados em um Hospital Universitário




The quality of services offered by a health institution depends greatly on worker?s technical competence and interaction and communication abilities towards the client. Technical interventions performed by the nursing team require permanent evaluations of the risks involved. This observational and sectional study analyzed quality and time of execution of bathing and wound dressing procedures performed by the nursing team on hospitalized patients in a medical-surgical unit of a University Hospital in the State of Paraná, based on care dependency degrees of these clients. Target population was constituted by the following procedures: bathing, in three typologies (shower bath, shower bath with aid of a wheel chair and bed bath) and changing wound dressings on patients classified according to the nursing care dependency degree (I,II,III and IV). Convenience sampling was employed for both procedures. Data was collected through direct observation while using a check list instrument for documentation (verifying list). Procedure quality was analyzed based on the Positive Index (IP) for each item on the instrument and on the correct procedures score; execution time was evaluated in minutes. Quality of procedure execution was considered satisfactory when the IP median and the median correct procedure score was ? 70%. In this study 258 aspersion baths (42,6% degree I, 42,6°ree II and 14,8% degree III); 98 shower baths aided by wheel chair (12,5% degree I, 26,5% degree II, 54,1% degree III and 7,1% degree IV) and 46 bed baths (4,3% degree I, 37% degree III and 58,7% degree IV). The IP surpassed 70% only in the shower bath with aid of a wheel chair on patients classified as degree IV and on bed bath, degree I. The most frequently compromised items were related to orientation/communication/interaction with the patient, oral hygiene, bed disinfection, skin condition inspection and valuing patient complaints. Results obtained on the median of the correct procedures scores on the three bathing typologies, on the four dependency degrees also highlight low quality, because only in the shower bath with aid of a wheel chair, degree IV, and bed bath, degree I, 50% of the procedures reached 80% and 76,5% correct procedure scores, respectively. In the observed wound dressing procedures of the 168 patients, 33,9% were patients of degree I, 38,7% of degree II, 19,6% of degree III and 7,8% of degree IV. In all dependency degrees the recommended positivity index was reached (? 70%). Items such as adequate environment preparation, validity time frame checking, respect to aseptic principles and maintenance of procedure?s logical sequence, however, show low positivity. Medium scores were also superior to 70% in all dependency levels, indicating that the procedure meets a quality standard. It was not observed difference on time frame spent in the different dependency degrees in bathing and wound dressing procedures.


avaliação da qualidade dos cuidados de saúde health care quality evaluation wound dressing bathing procedures procedimentos enfermagem curativos nursing banhos

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