Evaluation of the application of the Six Sigma Strategy results in an industrial restaurant. / AVALIAÃÃO DOS RESULTADOS DA APLICAÃÃO DA ESTRATÃGIA SEIS SIGMA EM UM RESTAURANTE INDUSTRIAL




Implantation of methodologies and tools for the quality and of productivity improvement in industrial and services companies has been growing in order to make possible the obtaining of products and services every better and cheaper. In this survival effort, a lot of companies have been stimulating the engagement of all the areas in adoption of varied strategies that can contribute to make a most competitive organization. One of these strategies is named by Six Sigma. In an uncommon application, it was implemented for optimizing the acting of a great chemical company industrial restaurant placed in SÃo Josà dos Campos in the state of SÃo Paulo. By the use of a group of indicators for the attendance and analysis of the results of Six Sigma, it was possible to verify if there was or no increments in associated results the administration of restaurant businesses, as well as, to evaluate the effectiveness of the used indicators. The results evidenced won with the use of the strategy Six Sigma, especially concerning to the reduction of costs operation in the restaurant, in function of the wastes reduction or elimination.


restaurante industrial seis sigma indicadores de desempenho six sigma performance indicators organizacao industrial e estudos industriais industrial restaurant

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