Evaluation of the nutritional status and of the soil fertility for the plantain crop (Musa AAB subgroup plantain cv. Hárton). / Avaliação do estado nutricional e da fertilidade do solo na cultura do plátano (Musa AAB subgrupo Plátano cv. Hárton).




The aim of this work is to suggest an adequate methodology for the evaluation of the nutritional status and of the fertility of soil for plantain grown in the South of Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. Initially the area to sample was split into similar soil series. Four high yielding plantations were selected within a soil series of intermediate texture. Afterwards a random sampling was carried out from July to December 2000 and 2001. The sample per plantation had 30 experimental units, plus 25 % for safety reasons, since losses could occur due to weather conditions and other adverse factors. The experimental unit consisted of the "mother" plant and its fully developed "daughter". In each unit leaf sampling was done according to the "Method of International Sampling for Reference"(MEIR). Soil Samples were colleted in front of he daughter in the fertilization band at the depths of 0-20 and 21-40 cm. Leaf samples were analysed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn. pH, conductivity, organic matter, sand, silt, clay, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn were determined in the soil samples. Data were evaluated by regression analysis with the lineal combinations of the main components, and by multiple regression. Results have shown that the regression model of the lineal combination with yield gave a better evaluation and prediction of the plantain crop, within the context of nutritional balance. This, on its turn allowed for the assessment of yield and for the separation of the population in yield classes. It was possible to observe both in the soils and leaves concentrations of nutrients related and not related to yield. It was possible, therefore, to conduct simultaneous interpretation of soil and leaf analyses obviating the need for reference values. The model of regression of yield against lineal combinations goes farther the than the isolated reference values since it allowed for the determination and utilization of nutritional balance among all variables. This methodology could be proposed for the interpretation of the results of soil and plant analyses.


plátano avaliação nutricional fertilidade do solo nutritional evaluation plantain soil fertility

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